Shallow Pan Fried Salmon Steak & Savory Green Sauce
A dish with my twist, really amazing on flavor that you never get tired of eating. I made pan fried Salmon steak with lovely citrusy...

Chayote with dried Fish
This is episode 3 & in this episode I will show you how we cook Chayote with dried fish at home. You can enjoy it as a side dish with...

Fish Curry 🐟
Take time and immerse yourself into this delicious Fish Curry Nepalese style. Its a dish you will want to share with your friends and family

Cod Fish in Olive Oil 🐟
Bacalhau à Lagareiro is one of the best known Cod dishes in traditional Portuguese cuisine. Cod loin is roasted with a good amount of olive

Fried Fish Escabeche 🍛
Today I cook beautiful Fried Hake in Escabeche Sauce. The sauce is the hero of this dish, so colorful, fragrant and the flavor is so invitin

Tasty Grilled Sardines 🐟
Deliciously juicy grilled Sardines, season with salt and lemon was so tasty along on a summery time with Portuguese style simple salad. It i